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Blood and Guts walking tours

January 2022

Dr. Knox: More than the boy who bought the beef

Date(s): 27 January 2022

Time: 7pm

Cost: £3

Age Restrictions: 16+

Booking Link:

SOLD OUT!Most people’s opinion of Robert Knox is entirely one-dimensional, superficial and prejudiced by the standard narrative of the Burke and Hare affair. Knox was vilified in the press yet the 10 or so private anatomy schools that flourished around Edinburgh University, had they been approached, would not have turned Burke and Hare away. They …


Conservation drop-in session

Date(s): 25 January 2022

Time: 1pm

Cost: Included in museum admission

Age Restrictions: 16+

Booking Link:

SOLD OUTHave you ever wondered how we maintain the vast collection of specimens across the museum? Surgeons’ Hall Museums Human Remains Conservator, Cat Irving, will teach attendees about how these specimens are prepared and preserved, through different methods of treatment.  You’ll see first-hand, maintenance work taking place on the Supernumerary…


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